EPCALM Patient Facts as of Sept. 2015

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EPCALM keeps a database of all its serviced patients.  As of September 2015, a total of 109 patients have contacted and have been serviced by EPCALM in one way or the other, since 2008.

EPCALM Patients Statistics
EPCALM Patients Statistics


Of the 109 patients, 45 patients are journeying through the disease as of this writing.

EPCALM Patient Listing - Sept 2015 - 4
Distribution by Current Status of Patients


Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML) is affecting around 50% of our serviced patients.

EPCALM Patient Listing - Sept 2015 - 3
Patient Distribution by Type of Leukemia


53% of EPCALM serviced patients are between the ages of 19-40 years old.

EPCALM Patient Listing - Sept 2015 - 2
Patient Distribution by Age


Almost an even distribution (50/50) between Male and Female patients.


EPCALM Patient Listing - Sept 2015 - 1
Male-Female Patient Ratio


Please continue to pray for our current patients as we journey with them towards wholeness.  For those serviced patients who have already joined our Maker, continue to keep their families in your prayers, as they try to recover from the loss of a loved one.